Mercenarios extranjeros de la Información avivan las locuras de Chávez

 por Gustavo Coronel
Las torres gemelas? Obra de Bush. El viaje a La Luna? Filmado en el desierto de Arizona. Murió realmente Elvis? Lo han visto en Los Angeles! Por razones sentimentales, como en el caso de Elvis, o por razones políticas bastardas, evento importantes como los arriba mencionados son frecuentemente objeto de teorías conspirativas descabelladas, aunque tengan el aporte de Diosdado.

Amuay es la más reciente. Un elenco circense formado por iraníes, mercenarios de la información y tarifados extranjeros, se han combinado para echar a rodar la teoría de la conspiración en el caso de la tragedia en la refinería de Amuay. No se trata, segun esta corte de los milagros, que el pobre mantenimiento y la ineptitud gerencial que ha caracterizado la actividad petrolera durante la “revolución”, haya sido la causa de la tragedia. No, esto fue un sabotaje de…. la CIA.

La primera en echar a rodar esta especie fue Eva Golinger, una mercenaria estadounidense dedicada a hacerle propaganda al chavismo.

Casi de inmediato siguió Jaime Petras, un antiguo marxista estadounidense, quien afirmó lo siguiente: “[es necesario] decretar Estado de Emergencia para detener las elecciones tras el sabotaje auspiciado por el imperialismo estadounidense que voló la planta de Amuay”.

Luego le siguió otro mercenario estadounidense llamado Les Blough, reclutado para la causa chavista por el difunto Roy Carson. Blough tiene un blog, Axis of Logic, en el cual escribió (01-09-2012): “the gas leak itself is highly suspect, pointing to sabotage. On this point, President Chavez stated: “You can’t exclude any hypothesis … It’s practically impossible that here in an [oil] installation like this which is fully automated everywhere and that has thousands of responsible workers night and day, civilian and military, and that there is a gas leak for 3 or 4 days and nobody responds. This is impossible.” Let’s be clear. When President Chavez notes that the installation «is fully automated» one of the things he’s talking about is a highly sophisticated, multi-million dollar alarm system which alerts everyone in the vicinity of the smallest gas leak. No alarms were activated at the Amuay Plant when the refinery blew up under cover of darkness last Saturday morning. In his analysis, Venezuela’s Oil Refinery Blaze: Seven Good Reasons to Suspect Sabotage, James Petras reminds us that, «The US targeting of the oil industry [in 2002-2003] involved sabotage of the computerized system and efforts to degrade the refineries.» He added,»No doubt the opposition includes employees, engineers and others with security clearance and access to the petroleum industry.» Petras is correct. There is in fact no doubt that members of the opposition are among some 18,000 thousand Venezuelans working for PDVSA, desperate in the face of another landslide victory by President Chavez on October 7. If this was a terrorist attack, killing 48 innocent people, the perpetrators surely wanted the government and the Venezuelan people to panic and react hastily”. Lo que dice este mercenario es gravísimo. Entre otras cosas dice que la fuga de gas apunta a un sabotaje, que la instalación es completamente automatizada (mentira), cita a Petras para reforzar la tesis del sabotaje y – lo más grave – sugiere que los ex-empleados de la refinería fueron los autores del sabotaje ya que ellos “tienen acceso autorizado a las instalaciones”. Esta acusación es tan grave como absurda, nueve o más años después de la despedida de miles de ténicos venezolanos por Hugo Chávez. Estos mercenarios extranjeros, Petras y Blough, ni siquiera saben la historia ni conocen como se maneja una instalación petrolera. Nadie puede entrar a una instalación petrolera con un carnet con 9 años vencido. Pero la maldad y estupidez de estos dos mercenarios, Blough y Petras, radica en pensar que los ex-empleados de la refinería, quienes si la modernizaron y operaron eficientemente por muchos años, irían luego a destruirla por razones políticas.

El mercenario Blough ya anuncia, en efecto, que habrá una investigación oficial que concluirá con el veredicto de sabotaje. “Our research clearly points to an attack on the refinery, all of which has been published on Axis of Logic for readers to evaluate and judge for themselves. While no material evidence has emerged to date, government intelligence services will reveal its findings when their investigation has been completed”.

Luego tenemos a una especie de version en Inglés de Aporrea editado por otro mercenario llamado Gregory Wilpert: , en la cual se habla de las “coincidencias” que apuntan a sabotaje:

1. “An “amateur” with a professional camera, at 2.00am [on the night of the explosion], was alone in the surrounds of the Amuay refinery, unusual because people don’t pass through there; and he captured the first explosion, which was broadcast “exclusively” by Globovision [a pro opposition TV channel] in record time. 3. At the same time as the explosion at Amuay, three government websites were hacked, including the CADIVI [Venezuela foreign exchange commission] website. 4. The deaths of sixteen members of the National Guard, if well observed, aren’t explained in the media. The presence of sixteen National Guard members at the refinery at that time isn’t explained. And the reason the National Guard victims of the tragedy stayed up overnight in the refinery’s Guard Command was to guard the installations, given that an important number of sabotages in the refinery have been reported and denounced in recent years. 5. Only minutes after the tragedy, thousands of Blackberry instant messages were spread as much by users as by automatic senders (software), that placed information in emails and other media about the situation via spam. 6. The tragedy was immediately treated as a political issue, as many opposition leaders appeared in the public sphere to launch direct attacks on Chavez and PDVSA. 7. The portrayal of the event on an international scale is unprecedented. On few occasions has this type of coverage been seen for events like this. 8. A few hours after the tragedy, Blackberry instant messages and information circulated in media and social networks that generated uncertainty over the availability of fuel. People were incited to head en masse to fill up their tanks, and lack of supply is spoken of openly. This looks like a strategy to generate chaos, and a call for calm has been issued, as the country has other refineries and a good reserve of fuel stores”.

Estas “coincidencias” descritas por el pasquín, basadas en lo que dice YVKE Mundial, son grotescas. Por ejemplo, dicen que la cobertura internacional dada a la tragedia apunta a sabotaje. Señores mercenarios: ha sido la peor tragedia petrolera a nivel mundial en muchos años, si no en toda la historia. Como es posible que no hubiese aparecido en las páginas de los medios mundiales?

Dicen los mercenarios que los mensajes anunciando falta de suministros de gasolina comenzaron a circular de inmediato. No saben que en Venezuela la gente practica el rumor como deporte favorito . Dicen los mercenarios que la tragedia fue tratada como un asunto político cuando lo que se ha dicho en todos los tonos es que la tragedia se debió a falta de mantenimiento. Eso no es politico sino algo factual. Disfrazar esto es demencial. Hablan los mercenarios de la presencia inexplicada de los Guardias Nacionales en el sitio. Pero es que ellos estaban allí en el sitio todo el tiempo!

Para rematar, ahora vienen los iraníes a hablar de sabotaje. Ver:

The Argument for Sabotage:
(1) The first question in any serious investigation is who benefits and who loses from the destruction of lives and oil production? The US is a clear winner on several crucial fronts. Firstly, via the economic losses to the Venezuelan economy – 2.5 million barrels in the first 5 days and counting – the loss will put a dent on social spending and delay productive investments which in turn are key electoral appeals of the Chavez presidency. Secondly, on cue the US joined by its client candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski, immediately launched a propaganda blitz aimed at discrediting the government and calling into question its capacity to ensure the security and safety of its citizens and the principle source of the country’s wealth. Thirdly, the explosion creates insecurity and fear among sectors of the electorate and could influence their voting in the October presidential election. Fourthly, the US can test the effectiveness of a wider destabilization campaign and the government’s capacity to respond to any further security threats. (2) According to official government documents the US has Special Forces operations in over seventy-five countries, including Venezuela, which is targeted because of an adversarial relation. This means that the US has highly trained operatives on the ground in Venezuela. The capture of a US Marine for illegal entry in Venezuela with prior experience in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan is indicative. (3) The US has a history of involvement in violent destabilization activity in Venezuela – backing the military coup of 2002 and the bosses’ lockout in the petroleum industry in 2003. The US targeting of the oil industry involved sabotage of the computerized system and efforts to degrade the refineries. (4) The US has a history of sabotage and violence against incumbent adversarial regimes. In Cuba during 1960, the CIA torched a department store and sugar plantations, and planted bombs in the downtown tourist centers – aiming to undermine strategic sectors of the economy. In Chile following the election of Socialist Salvador Allende, a CIA backed right-wing group kidnapped and assassinated the military attaché of Socialist president, in an effort to provoke a military coup. Similarly in Jamaica, in the late 1970’s under democratic socialist President Manley, the CIA facilitated a violent destabilization campaign in the run-up to the elections. Sabotage and destabilization is a common weapon in the face of impending electoral defeats (as is the case in Venezuela) or where a popular government is firmly entrenched. (5) Force, violence and destabilization campaigns against incumbent regimes have become a common operational procedure in current US policy. The US has financed and armed terrorist groups in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Chechnya; it is bombing Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. In other words US foreign policy is highly militarized and opposed to any negotiated diplomatic resolution of conflicts with adversarial regimes. Sabotaging Venezuela’s oil refineries is within the logic and practice of current US foreign policy. (6) Domestic politics in the US has taken a further turn to the far right in both domestic and foreign policy. The Republican Party has accused the Democrats of pandering to Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Syria – of not going to war. (7) With a little more than a month left before the elections, and President Chavez is showing a 20-percent point advantage”.

En esencia, los iraníes dicen que “tiene que haber sido USA” el autor del sabotaje porque ellos (1) salen ganando; (2), están activos como terroristas en 75 países; (3), tienen una historia pasada de saboteos en Venezuela ; (4), Lo han hecho en otros países; (5), es lógico que saboteen las refinerías venezolanas; (6), la política doméstiva estadounidense se inclina hacia la derecha; (7), Chávez va ganando y hay que perjudicarlo. Dejo a los lectores juzgar por si mismos el valor de estos argumentos.

Apreciados compatriotas:

Estamos ante una gravísima situación. Si los mercenarios, tarifados, hampones del régimen y países forajidos se confabulan para imponer la tesis del sabotaje ello significará que (1), no se corregirán las razones verdaderas que llevaron a la tragedia y ocurrirán otras; (2), que nos acercaremos más a un escenario de violencia en el país porque esto significaría que el régimen se ha atrincherado en su maldad para imponerse por la fuerza.

Es evidente que estamos al borde de un desenlace dramático para Venezuela, uno en el cual la democracia y la libertad se enfrentan al horror.

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